I need HELP!!!!

Today little miss Sofia got in trouble at school for kicking and spitting.  What would possibly brig my princess to do that?  Well someone tore the tail off a cat she made in art!!  So after I left the school glued the tail back on and had a very serious talk with her she asked me: Mommy Can we put my cat on the fridgerator (cuz that's what she calls it) when we get home?  I agreed.  She must be very proud of her cat if it lead her to kicking and spitting.  We get home and she proudly puts it on the fridgerator.  Well no sooner do we get it up than my husband comes along and says "Oh no I dont like all that clutter on there"  Needless to say she was heart broken.  Frankly I was surprised she didn't kick and spit at him. So that leaves me in a conundrum!  I need help figuring out where to display my kids art work that won't irritate my anal husband.  HEEELLLLPPPP!!!!  Where do you guys display your art work???